STOP THE POT PLOT augments the Drug Clearing House(s) information and provides interpretations and "street wisdom".
We have some marvelous helpmates in the resources we promote; but none-to-too few of you reading and implementing their messages!
You can’t just listen to the media and read the press – because – guess what!
THEY have an agenda!
TV guest spots --- even the PBS channel has started running hour long programs that are pro-Marijuna legalization. It’s a Par-ty destination and we will all have money to spend when hemp is our friend.
Resources -- If you are still reading out there:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Visit the NIDA Web site at and:
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
National Families in Action (
Local Organizations:
Californians for Drug Free Youth (
Communities Against Substance Abuse (CASA)
Help with:
- the Pressing Time; Time Lines; Outreach and introductions for Community Speeches; Local Established Community Promoters; Quality Bloggers; Publications; and Printings;
- Constructing A-Political , but Very Community Minded message
- Dare we say -- funding?
STOP(2) is NOT a public milking non-profit club.
We need funding for acquiring aides, interns, research tools and texts;Lobbyist, Advertisement, Press Connections and rushing Presses.
We have a small circle that needs to become a large Club (one of our staff is a reformed medieval press-gang member who needs a leash, others are tired or retired professors who are dedicated but running short on fuel. Interns are being sought, but their tuitions are due too and we want to help them study, earn, learn and contribute.
We are generally anonymous at this juncture as the Press and Friends have cautioned that we are headed down a rough road with a lot of dangerous on-lookers and violent, cash/power wielding adversaries BUT, see our twitter accounts [].
We believe in the goodness of our majority and wish to teach the users/abusers who threaten our lives, streets, budgets, and children as those amuck suck the life out of our famed freedom of choice in their corruption of our realistic, attainable, sane, safe, healthy life. "Quick, jump away from the Dark Side Anakin before you are seduced by Vader!"
Some great person has been continuously misquoted and had their original statement realigned to say something like we are going to say:
All that is needed for the connivers’, thieves, and money grubbing public to overcome man's social advancement is for the taxpayers to 'once-again' be deceived by the slick-talking, walking, cheats and vultures who will regress moral values in favor of liberalism and lasciviousness. (author Unknown but Often Cited, highly suspected and Renown)
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