Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Well, we beat Prop 19 in California; Wot's Next?
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Crime Surrounds US
And the gangs of America are running more than the streets.
Ask any Drug, Street, Senior crimes cop …. They get it! They live with it, so do many of the ghetto teachers, preachers, parent, neighbors. They know what the bleeding heart liberals don’t, won’t comprehend.
The Crips and the Bloods of Jamaica have split the US into territories.
The Mexicans are parading it across the Border; the Central and South Americas are flying it across our national borders in single pilot ultra-lites!
It is different from the roaring 20’s blood feuds. The gang death toll is higher than Vietnam, than annual highway deaths or anything some storms threw at at us,
Forest Whitaker and Stacy Perelta tell of the California gang wars In Made in America: “30 miles from Disneyland; 20 miles from Malibu; 6 miles from Beverly Hills a new civil war, the longest war in the history of this country, is ongoing”. For the real impact, see A war no one sees.
They get it!
In "Take Back Our Streets" and in a personal interview with Charleston, S.C.’s Chief of Police Greenberg (a black, Jewish, TopCop) he said, it is a matter of real estate, control of the distribution sites, the street corners! Ultimately to cut off the customers.
He gets it!
From Public Radio I learned of the organized tracking, reporting, all movements of the Police anti-drug “black” helicopter patrols’ to slash and burn another home-grown marijuana farm.
This freedom of the airways movement is obviously pro-pot, advocates opening unrestricted dispensaries where any doctor’s prescription will allow unlimited purchases – even tho’ the doctor has never met the patient. The one who sold his Hippocratic Oath for the $200 per prescription fee to provide –a 6’4”, 260 lb., male, undercover cop –medical marijuana for his premenstrual pains.
No, Not every doctor, just the greedy, self-serving diploma mill ones; the cousins of the politicians with $40K cash stashed in clear plastic baggies in their freezer, the ones with unlimited rides on the Washington circuit a/craft, the Mayors returning to office after drug stings implicating their criminal behavior and other clever, creative, criminal politicians.
This is a war for control, cash and territory and we are mellowed into thinking -- just sell the pot and it’ll handle the budget, the storm, the intra-racial fights that we can’t begin to understand while we’ll let the perps beat conviction because few witnesses will come forward or let the finally convicted one out of prison [early] ‘cause they runnin’ the hood from the joint anyhow ‘ya’no’. THEY get It.
And we want these thinkers to lead our decriminalization theme. The only interstate traffic they don’t want to tax is shipping of medical marijuana by USPS!
A review of important drug impact on the developing brain has little impact on the money, “freedom” focused lawmakers: Read Dr. Amens’ conclusions,
The net has answers. Read some of their postings and come of age!
'gangster internationaly' Gets it!
i think the goverment cant really stop this!!!
bloods n crips should stop fightin
i fink im nt da only 1 dat finks dat –
He really gets it!
Since the 1965 Peace and Pride of the Black Panthers and MLK, the gangs have taken new shapes:
10,000 deaths have occurred
Lacking a strong brotherhood image, hope is gone, it is in The hoods
In 1980 there were 30,000 gang members
in 1990 over 170,000 national members
Today it is Cocaine and automatic weapons
Drive by check it out.
'We livin’; in the family it’s the thing ya know
Started smoking; the weed doin’ the sh*t, what ya’ say."
Sounds like a logical argument to me.
And we think this system is going to bow down to white causes of balancing the budget
by legal drugs without a fight? It is their livelihood and a style
Get real bro’ it is the cash, cache and control.
In the slums: 1/3 of black men have been or are in jail; there is no respect for authority; 7/10 of the black ghetto families grow up without dads; there is no family leadership provided.
Sociologist say … the gang members are looking for surrogate fathers and the gang provides the role model.
Political theorist say ... the minorities want Marijuana legalized UNTRUE!!!
Truth Bro’? – gangs resolve conflict in street violence and the gangs are moving downtown. Tony Blais at gets it!
In Canada the Hell’s Angels, own their districts as reported by the Edgemond Sun the path of their sales campaign: That is how a federal prosecutor opened his overview of the case to the judge his overview at the start of a lengthy criminal conspiracy trial. He gets it!
A pair of outlaw bikers are charged with drug-dealing conspiracy and criminal organization charges, The full-patch Hells Angels are (Alan Knapczyk, 35, and John Alcantara, 37, and the head of the Fort McMurray drug gang is Jeffrey Caines, 36, who earlier pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine, but is currently disputing certain parts of an agreed statement of facts.
Prosecutor Dennis Hrabcak told Court of Queen’s their theory is that Alcantara and Knapczyk conspired with Caines to traffic cocaine in the Fort McMurray area at a kilo and multi-kilo level.
Hrabcak said Caines was the head of a criminal organization that bought and sold cocaine using a network of suppliers, distributors and couriers that he had set up.
He told the judge Caines made an agreement with members of the Hells Angels Nomad chapter and said Alcantara and Knapczyk eventually took over the agreement after a disagreement between the Edmonton Hells Angels and the Nomads over control of the agreement which involved the removal of any rivals of Caines’ drug gang, ensuring other suppliers in the area did not undercut his business and the protection of Caines and his distributors for a weekly fee of $20,000.
“Essentially it gave Caines free rein to supply cocaine in the specified area and protection for those he supplied,” said Hrabcak. “In return he paid a fee or tax to the individuals. The reputation of the Hells Angels was used to enforce the agreement.”
And we think legalization will boost our tax coffers while the gangs all dutifully contribute their cut to the state?
We have banned plastic bags in grocery stores to protect wild life!
When will we recognize our “wild life” is dangerous to our own children?
We sue manufactures for accidentally introducing some contamination in a can of staples or a box of cereal; when do we recognize America’s drug problem -- killing and destroying our young people -- is not happening by accident? [see cheschez le (cash)]
Mr. Steiner continues:
“The drug problem in illicit drug trade purportedly does $500 billion of business annually. They have the financial resources who to corrupt, and they know that almost all those, young and old, who are dependent on drugs incurred the problem as kids.
They know the science that says if young people arrive at adulthood intact they will never have a problem,” so to create a market for drugs, they target kids, knowing that some will die, like my son Steven. Those who survive their youth will provide a captive market for their insidious products. This is devastating to our people and country.”
Our “war against drugs”, has been largely ineffective.
We focused on interdicting the supply route and suppliers—without having our borders secured. WE'RE STILL NOT GETTING IT!
We were overly taxed with endless merry-go-round chases of ‘mules’, illegal immigrants seeking a better life here without meeting our selection criterion who innocently (or not) carted drug replenishments, or the high risk student, mother with baby packed in a diaper full of feces along with a few packets of foreign grown s*it for a few extra dollars and their own hits, or the antisocial defiant citizen who wanted to join the drug transit trail for personal, political or profit motives.
What is the situation in other countries? Follow a few trails of individuals and organizations seeking to destroy lives with their clever schemes:
• in Amsterdam (the land of some of the loosest drug laws) 300 grams of cocaine stuffed inside 100 dead beetles inside a package from Peru;
• in Germany: a mother stashing 15 grams of amphetamines and 46 ecstasy pills inside her daughter’s diaper for transport in to a local prison;
• an Angolan student attempting to smuggle cocaine lightly spread over 76 packets of human hair extensions;
• from Canada into the United States an attempt to pass off 42 bottles of liquid ketamine as “holy water”;
• a six pound statue of Jesus Christ made from plaster mixed with cocaine ;
• Colombian drug organization smuggling heroin into the U.S. by cutting open purebred puppies and placing heroin packets in their stomachs;
• a woman attempting to fly from Chile to Spain, carrying two suitcases made of cocaine combined with resin and glass. According to one of the officers, the fiber to make the suitcases, aroused suspicion because they were heavier than their contents;
• a Chilean man in Barcelona traveled with a leg cast made out of cocaine. Police said the man may have intentionally fractured his leg to make the use of the cocaine cast real.
YEP! America has a Drug Problem!; And since we don't Get IT; we're going to legalize IT!
But is only marijuana we are talking about legalizing!
It can’t be that bad.!!!
You DON'T Get IT! But, IT will get YOU!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Seeking Sane Solutions
STOP THE POT PLOT augments the Drug Clearing House(s) information and provides interpretations and "street wisdom".
We have some marvelous helpmates in the resources we promote; but none-to-too few of you reading and implementing their messages!
You can’t just listen to the media and read the press – because – guess what!
THEY have an agenda!
TV guest spots --- even the PBS channel has started running hour long programs that are pro-Marijuna legalization. It’s a Par-ty destination and we will all have money to spend when hemp is our friend.
Resources -- If you are still reading out there:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Visit the NIDA Web site at and:
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)
National Families in Action (
Local Organizations:
Californians for Drug Free Youth (
Communities Against Substance Abuse (CASA)
Help with:
- the Pressing Time; Time Lines; Outreach and introductions for Community Speeches; Local Established Community Promoters; Quality Bloggers; Publications; and Printings;
- Constructing A-Political , but Very Community Minded message
- Dare we say -- funding?
STOP(2) is NOT a public milking non-profit club.
We need funding for acquiring aides, interns, research tools and texts;Lobbyist, Advertisement, Press Connections and rushing Presses.
We have a small circle that needs to become a large Club (one of our staff is a reformed medieval press-gang member who needs a leash, others are tired or retired professors who are dedicated but running short on fuel. Interns are being sought, but their tuitions are due too and we want to help them study, earn, learn and contribute.
We are generally anonymous at this juncture as the Press and Friends have cautioned that we are headed down a rough road with a lot of dangerous on-lookers and violent, cash/power wielding adversaries BUT, see our twitter accounts [].
We believe in the goodness of our majority and wish to teach the users/abusers who threaten our lives, streets, budgets, and children as those amuck suck the life out of our famed freedom of choice in their corruption of our realistic, attainable, sane, safe, healthy life. "Quick, jump away from the Dark Side Anakin before you are seduced by Vader!"
Some great person has been continuously misquoted and had their original statement realigned to say something like we are going to say:
All that is needed for the connivers’, thieves, and money grubbing public to overcome man's social advancement is for the taxpayers to 'once-again' be deceived by the slick-talking, walking, cheats and vultures who will regress moral values in favor of liberalism and lasciviousness. (author Unknown but Often Cited, highly suspected and Renown)
Intro to Stop Pot Plot
We need funding for acquiring dedicated staff, aides, interns, research tools and texts;
Lobbyist, Advertisement, Press Connections and rushing Presses.
We have a small circle that needs to become a large Club (one of our staff is a reformed medieval press-gang member who needs a leash, the others are tired or retired professors who are dedicated but starving and the Interns are to be sought but their tuitions are due too and we want to help them study, earn, learn and contribute.
We are generally anonymous at this juncture as the press and friends have cautioned us that we are headed down a rough road with a lot of dangerous on-lookers and violent, cash/power wielding adversaries.
POT Shopping
- Try 'dizzyland's' new ticket.
- Probably need to head for the seedier part of town, find some shady character surrounded by a bunch of toughs, and everyone looking over their shoulder.
WHAT? No more? They've got a store?
And you can buy the same "s**t" legit?
Got to be a story there somewhere. Let's look into it.
Not with the greedy entrepreneurs who never cared about what they sold you before, the intellectual elite who felt they had the right to distort your picture with their fiction, the anti-establishment gang who sought righteousness in freeing the masses with another 'magic dust' to fly you to 'dizzyland' .
Do Your Own Research.
That doesn't mean: go buy a bag; take a drag; toke a poke; try a high; join a reefer support group because it is cute; common among the ones who have made money from the sale or funny faces in screen or TV places who really have your heart and mind in their design.
Sometimes common sense really just isn't that common!
Nida.nih (National Institute on Drug Abuse) Information, a component of the National Institutes of Health, our country's watch dogs on drugs and addiction -
cautions our teens:
"There are many reasons why some children and young teens start smoking marijuana. Many young people smoke marijuana because they see their brothers, sisters, friends, or even older family members using it. Some use marijuana because of peer pressure.
Others may think it’s cool to use marijuana because they hear songs about it and see it on TV and in movies. Some teens may feel they need marijuana and other drugs to help them escape from problems at home, at school, or with friends.
No matter how many shirts and caps you see printed with the marijuana leaf, or how many groups sing about it, remember this:
- You don’t have to use marijuana just because you think everybody else is doing it.
- Most teenagers do not use marijuana!
Q: How is marijuana harmful?
A: Marijuana can be harmful in a number of ways, through immediate effects and through damage to health over time.Marijuana hinders the user’s short-term memory (memory for recent events), and he or she may have trouble handling complex tasks. With the use of more potent varieties of marijuana, even simple tasks can be difficult.
Because of the drug’s effects on perceptions and reaction time, users could be involved in auto crashes. Drug users also may become involved in risky sexual behaviors, which could lead to the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Under the influence of marijuana, students may find it hard to study and learn. Young athletes could find their performance is off; timing, movements, and coordination are all affected by THC.
and informs our Parents:
Q: How does marijuana affect the brain?
A: THC affects the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed. This makes it hard for the user to recall recent events (such as what happened a few minutes ago). It is hard to learn while high—a working short-term memory is required for learning and performing tasks that call for more than one or two steps.Among a group of long-time heavy marijuana users in Costa Rica, researchers found that the people had great trouble when asked to recall a short list of words (a standard test of memory). People in that study group also found it very hard to focus their attention on the tests given to them.
As people age, they normally lose nerve cells in a region of the brain that is important for remembering events. Chronic exposure to THC may hasten the age-related loss of these nerve cells. In one study, researchers found that rats exposed to THC every day for 8 months (about 1/3 of their lifespan) showed a loss of brain cells comparable to rats that were twice their age. It is not known whether a similar effect occurs in humans. Researchers are still learning about the many ways that marijuana could affect the brain.
O.K. Sounds like we really need to load up on this stuff before the big game or school finals! Maybe just before voting in the legalization of Marijuana!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Do YOU really understand what you are ingesting?
Subjects were given the twelfth grade versions of these tests (Iowa Tests of Educational Development) and other, computerized cognitive tests in successive test sessions.
"Heavy" marijuana use (defined by use seven or more times weekly) was associated with deficits in mathematical skills and verbal expression in the Iowa Tests of Educational Development and selective impairments in memory retrieval processes in Buschke's Test.
The retrieval impairments were restricted to words that were easy to visualize.
Impairments depended on the frequency of chronic marijuana use, i.e., "light" and "intermediate" marijuana use (defined by use one to four and five to six times weekly, respectively) were not associated with deficits.
Intermediate use was associated with superior performance in one condition ("fuzzy" concepts) of a Concept Formation test.
So, understanding their inability to focus on words after a few joints; do you want them driving past your kids' school and deciphering ... slow from speed ?
- Abstract from Effects of chronic marijuana use on human cognition, Robert I. Block and M. M. Ghoneim, 1992
Saturday, January 30, 2010
We serve so many masters -- we don't know who or what is in charge.
IF YOU CAN'T BELIEVE two Nobel Prize winners about Global Warming; a Nobel awardee about economics and leadership;
IF you can believe we should beat our swords into crescent sickles to harvest a new, intoxicating, green, cash crop;
IF you can't believe a former Presidential Candidate about marital fidelity, a Past President about the linguistic validity of a simple word like what the meaning of "IS" is;
What CAN'T you believe about a commercial paid for by individuals who support legalization (or decriminalization) of a drug which has NOW magically linked honest use for only medical conditions or value laden good clothing, shoes, fertilizer, and other valued green things to the increased payment for police; increased hospital visit for injuries inflicted on innocent drivers on the same road at the same space and time as you and your kiddie laden minivan; for increased funding of out of work or re-work for jobs done in an intoxicated (stumbling through work); increase in shop closures as the drugged nation stumbles to technical stations and blows up the chore.
How can the bringers of pain relief, peace and tranquility hope to disguise the course MJ has taken to be cultured 70 times stronger than the stuff our beneficial presidents and community leaders advocate?
That the 40% of vehicular accidents and criminal activity which results in arrests should no longer be tracked in the "don't smell don't tell" policy being driven down from [ON-HIGH] outside the Judicial BRANCH will lead to W..H...A...T!!!
Which has a high degree of believability: Get High with Me; Or Conservatism, safety, sanity?
Something in the air smells like Global Warming; only Change is in your pocket, no cash flow, no job openings, reduced employment and other BS burning.
Its going to be your vote CALIFORNIA, we hope you are sober when you approach the Polls! And that thinkers are reseated in their proper roles.